Bridlington Comic Con: Happy Star Wars Day!!! May the 4th Be with You!!!

Bridlington Comic Con: Happy Star Wars Day!!! May the 4th Be with You!!!

Date Added: 16th June 2021
Happy Star Wars Day!!! May the 4th Be with You!!!
To celebrate this great day we are excited to announce a key character from the original 1977 Star Wars film or is it would later be called Episode IV: A New Hope. We will be joined by Biggs Darklighter actor, Garrick Hagon.
Biggs was Luke Skywalker’s best friend on Tatooine, who left to join the rebel fleet ahead of Luke’s own adventure. The pair are reunited as wingmen at the Battle of Yavin, only for Biggs to be killed by Darth Vader.
This is an amazing opportunity to talk to an actor who was there before Star Wars was Star Wars, before Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill were household names, before we lost Carri Fisher, Alec Guinness, Peter Cushing, Dave Prowse, Peter Mayhew and Kenny Baker.
This is a great and unique chance to go back to the beginning and ask about it.
As well as Star Wars, you will have seen Garrick in – Tim Burton’s Bat Man, The Spy Who Loved Me and Doctor Who in the 1972 and 2012. Garrick is also the voice of many game characters including Henry Adams in Batman: Arkham Night.
Bridlington Comic Con takes place on Sunday 12th September at Bridlington Spa
Tickets are available from
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